EACH SPONSORSHIP IS AN ORPHAN EARNED" /> Orphan Sponsorship | Uluslararası Aile Yardım Derneği

Orphan Sponsorship

Orphan Sponsorship

The messenger of Allah (SaaS) said:
“Me and the one who takes care of the orphan are in paradise şöyleyiz.” (He pointed with his middle finger and thumb side by side and closed them.)

SOURCE: –Tirmidhi (Sahih)

For widows and orphans in conflict-zones, life is difficult. They have lost everything in conflict and are often living in makeshift tents with no stable source of income and few life savings – they fight daily for survival. Thus, the women are forced to work and they are also forced to utilize their orphan children into child labor. Boys, as young as 7 years old, are helping their widowed mothers by getting jobs, running errands, or assuming the protective demeanor of an adult. Girls are also forced to assume additional responsibilities, such as taking care of siblings and doing more chores at home. For as little as $25 a month, you can sponsor an orphan. Your sponsorship can make a little difference for a household without a breadwinner – it can enable a child to go back to school again.

We have the capacity to support orphans financially inside Syria, Yemen, and in Turkey (for the Uyghur Muslims).


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